Monday, January 25, 2010

Friday evening B and S came over and we watched Paranormal Activity and afterwards only S and me watched Alone, a creepy Thai movie, because B was too scared, so she went home haha.
I think Paranormal Activity was quite lame, I was expecting some more action, but that's what I got to see in Alone. Although we should be used to typical asian horror cliché, we screamed our lungs out! It always works haha

Saturday night B and M came over and we drank red wine and rosé champagne, then we took the bus downtown and spontaneously decided to drop by the Ks-Party in Damm. We met T and he said, that it's too full and they no longer let people inside, neither with a ticket. And we even had no ticket, so we went straight downtown (and took retarded pictures on other people's car). In the Aloha Bar we met the guys from our neighborhood and also S joined us after a while. Then we went to V3 again, but the music sucked this time and B's foot began to hurt due to an injury, so we already left around 2am. S went home and B and me stayed in M's house till' 5am.